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Sonlit Acres

Encouraging sustainable living

Planning time.

Wow! Time does seem to pass without notice. I hadn't realized it has been this long since I have been here to post, I apologize for that. Wood cutting continues even though the weather isn't always co-operating. We have  brought a new bull home to finish raising as a breeder because I find A.I. to be to difficult to get done. It seems our world is looking only to service the big guys and the small holders have to fend for themselves. Yes we live in a world that still believes bigger is better for the most part. 

I find my days consumed recently by many little projects that we are either working on or planning on as soon as spring comes around. Our bigger one will be to bury a 1000 gallon cistern to gather the overflow from our well, an electric pump will be installed in it and we will be able to set up our washer with water from it, oh yes. We still hand pump water from the well to the house, as well has having a hand pump on the well for outside use. The wells overflow to this point has filled a small experimental cistern which has lead to the future installation of a larger permanent one. 

February on the homestead brings us to the coming seasons plans as far as what and how many meat animals will be raised, this includes cattle, pigs, chickens, and turkeys. The garden is also planned, what we need to grow, whether it be more or less of something, or maybe nothing of a particular vegetable. What is left on the pantry shelves will tell us what we need to do to get through the next year. Allot of planning comes on a homestead, somethings just remain and other things take some details to get done. 

Now I am off to get some gardening and animal things posted on our forum, and e-mail group. As things progress this coming season I am sure I will have plenty to write about.









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