We have lost our connection to the land and the know-how of our grandparents; we cannot in honesty remain separated from the land for long without disastrous results. We are a living organism and rely on other living organisms to survive. As our culture continues to distance itself from the natural world in short sighted and un natural ways, we have stopped living sustainably and abundantly by removing ourselves from the natural food chain and began consuming processed, chemical laden and genetically modified foods our health is suffered greatly from some very nasty diseases that to many have had disastrous results.
Our children are some of the sickest generations ever recorded, and the problems are so numerous they cannot be solved at once. What we need to do is make deliberate changes to radically improve our health or we will not find our way out of. Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Agriculture will not do a thing to help us regain what we have lost. We need to find our own way back by re connecting to the land and methods used by our grandparents. The more we embrace this concept for ourselves the healthier we will be come.
What we eat will impact our health our immune system is miraculously sophisticated and extremely able, but we need to feed it properly. Supplements and pills will never make us healthy again. Our bodies are designed to be nourished by complex food; science will never be able to synthesize that. GMO’s now make up the larger percentage of food we are buying in the store and to this day we have no idea whether it is really safe for consumption or even safe environmentally to grow. Yet our current society continues to trust science totally, not saying science is a bad thing, but saying science like everything else today can be and in many cases is bought. Science has flip flopped on findings so many times in just my life time it should keep us skeptical, and it’s our jobs to keep them honest. We vote with our grocery dollar three times each day; we need to start voting for fresh locally grow wholesome foods.