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Sonlit Acres

Encouraging sustainable living

Blog posts December 2017

Our First Accumulation Of Snow.

We received our first accumulating snow storm of the season, I am guessing we had about 14 inches. That's not a number I would bet much on, but it was plenty to take my snowmobile out to the woodlot in a very careful way. I never had the need to go very fast so low range and just enough power to hol…

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Busyness is the biggest obstacle for most of the people in our society. As far as overcoming this obstacle, there’s good news and bad news. The good news is that it’s not terribly difficult to understand what must be done to beat busyness. The bad news, though, is that most people, even the ones who…

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Our Forum

Hello Everyone,

Just to say our forum is up and running and our garden lessons posts will be there. We will continue with our news page as we have been, with things happening along with other things that may be interesting. My thoughts were a forum would make it easier for folks to interact with wh…

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The High Cost Of Cheap Food.

 Americans spend a smaller percentage of their income on food than any other national population. The cheap food that our government has pushed so hard to achieve,  is cheap only because we ignore some of the true costs involved; costs such as the pollution of groundwater by runoff from giant feedl…

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Good Morning From The Homestead.

What a wonderful glorious day here today. the sun is shining,the boys and I have chores done, coffee is perking on the wood range and we are getting ready to cook breakfast. We are still getting caught up in the yard preparing for winter. An annual ritual that occurs here every year and normally en…

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5 blog posts

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