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Sonlit Acres

Encouraging sustainable living

Blog posts October 2017

As Fall Progresses.

The past couple of days has been less than desirable weather, high winds and plenty of hard rain to hamper progress. Many are without power and much to our surprise our area didn't seem to loose it. Yes you are right, we are not totally off grid. Our house is a hybrid, grid to the outlets and solar …

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Modern Households.

Today's American households are non-producing households.


The idea of a contained family economy is long forgotten as well as the skills to sustain that family economy. The average American household is now a consumer based closed economic system. This consumer based system is not sustainable a…

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Summer Has Come And Gone

Summer has come and gone,  with it the normal season changes have begun, hay is stored in the barn and some end of the season tasks continue like the garden work.We planted our garlic this weekend and have it all mulched. The homestead is a place where we are always preparing for the next season as …

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3 blog posts

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